Train Water Ambassadors Goal
You can give to water training for the water ambassador team empowering them to continue to grow in their understanding of water issues, grow in influence in their community & sharing of the gospel!
Hygiene Training, Clean Water Filters and a community-wide borehole strategy are three ways you can provide health, improved financial stability, education, and sustainability.
When you give to water projects, you are physically saving lives & transforming lives with the gospel!
Drill a Borehole Goal
You can provide community members with life through water. Boreholes improve safety for the girls as they walk daily for water and given them back necessary time to go to school, study & be a child.
Give Lifesaving
Water Filters Goal
Your gift of a clean water filter will provide a family with life! In addition to receiving clean and safe water, each family receives valuable education, training, and a Bible. Eat family has the potential to impact additional families by sharing their gift of clean water.
Women and children WALK AN AVERAGE 5K DAILY FOR WATER. They spend 2 hours or more walking for water to survive.
In the areas we serve - women & children are most impacted by the daily water gathering. Regional drought creates a greater need for sustainable water sources, and lack of water causes longer walks for women and children- increasing vulnerabilities.
When gathering water takes up hours daily, women face significant barriers to focusing on other tasks, such as running a business, caring for the home, investing in their children, and volunteering in the community.
Lack of access to water is often associated with poor school attendance by children, especially girls often forced to drop out of school to fill in the gaps. Young girls are especially vulnerable on their long walks in potentially harmful situations.
This is why we empower the church and strengthen church leaders who are knowledgeable about the specific water needs in the community. Through training, they can identify how to provide scaffolding for the younger generations, creating sustainable change.
Our focus is on 5 solution-based water goals, identified by local community leaders that intentionally target root issues.
By supporting and empowering community leaders this creates long-term change in the community physically, spiritually, and even culturally. This group of leadership, our Water Ambassador Team, is primarily women because water is their expertise. The men involved are a part of the Water Ambassador Team because they believe in supporting these women and want to see lasting change in their community.
Providing Clean Water
Clean water is a fundamental building block to health and life. In developed countries, it is something that we take for granted. The ability to go to turn on a faucet, drink, wash, and brush teeth is something that we do not even think about in the US. In developing countries, water is one of the primary issues holding communities down. In rural Africa, families often get their water from a river or dam, or a holding tank from a borehole. The problem is, these sources contain contaminated water. Drinking contaminated water can cause many health issues including diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid, parasites, and cholera, just to name a few. It is a big problem, causing serious health and financial burdens for families. Every family that we have interviewed experiences multiple episodes of sickness from contaminated drinking water every month. For these families, going to the medical clinic to treat these issues can cost up to 25% to 50% of their monthly income! It is a huge burden both financially and health-wise.
Clean Water & The Word
Our desire is not only to provide Clean Water to these communities but to also provide the Gospel- the good news about Jesus, our Living Water.
For $100, Choose To Invest will provide water hygiene training, one water filter, a Bible, and a minimum of 3 at-home follow-ups by our trained Water Ambassador Team.
At a recent water training, we demonstrated the water filter to a group of Rejoice Project leaders. We filled the top bucket with water from the closest water source, and it looked brown and dirty. As this contaminated water began to flow through the water filter and be transformed into clean, pure, drinkable water in the bucket below, the excitement of the Rejoice Project team members erupted into worship. It was humbling to be a small part of bringing this gift to these families. There were approximately 100 Rejoice Project leaders that were given a water filter for them and their families. Not only that, these filters are also able to filter enough water for up to 4 additional families each! We could not be more excited about the impact that these water filters will have on these communities.
The Answer
Since 2021, we have trained and distributed water filters in several of these challenged communities. These filters remove over 99.9999% of the bacteria that cause waterborne disease. They are easily maintained by back flushing with clean water, require no electricity, there are no consumables to buy, and no parts to replace. The filters are ready to provide clean water, with no additional operating costs, for up to ten years. It is a simple, effective clean water solution that is easily deployed anywhere in the world.
Since we have begun distributing water filters, a severe drought overtook the communities we work with. This highlighted that while these water filters are vital and necessary in the fight for clean water- they were useless when some families had no access to any water source.
This is why the next part of our Clean Water Program is to begin drilling and installing boreholes. Boreholes are deep-water wells that can pump water for hundreds of families every day.
“Before I received the water filter, I used to walk for long distances to buy water that was still unsafe. Since receiving the filter, I no longer have to buy water or spend time searching for clean water. I have seen a great change in the health of my family members. The filters have allowed me to save money for solar lights in my home and have given me time to fellowship with other women in my community!” - Damaris
“For so long I did not know that some diseases were caused by the water. I grew up herding animals and getting water from the same point as them. I have been treated for water-related illnesses and since having a baby I was advised to get water from a borehole. Even with this water, my baby has similar water-related illnesses. I received a water filter recently and I have been using it as well as sharing the water with other women who have little babies in my community.” - Susan
“I get water from the Ewasonyiro river. Ewasonyiro is a maasai term that means “brown water,” and it is full of sediments. My small children complain often about stomachaches which means many visits to the clinic for medicine. I worried for so long until I received a water filter and was trained how to use it and care for it. Now my children are happy and we no longer visit the clinics anymore. They are happy to drink water again. We’ve been able to save money to improve our nutritional diet as a family. We are grateful to God for the way he has provided.” - Evelyline